Emma Haines Team Wales World Agility Open

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Emma Haines Team Wales World Agility Open
March 27, 2018 4:10 pm by

Emma Haines Team Wales World Agility Open

Sarah Price Physiotherapy
Dexter competes at grade 7 championship level of agility and has represented Team Wales at the World Agility Open on a number of occasions.  In 2013 we came home from Spain having won a team bronze medal. Dexter loves his agility and with the expertise of Sarah I know that he is kept in great shape to compete.  Having regular consultations helps keep my mind at rest that Dexter is fit to have fun doing what he loves. I can't thank Sarah enough for all her time and patience she spends treating Dexter and I always know that she's on the end of the telephone if I have any worries at any time.