September 15, 2017 12:40 pm
Published by Sarah Price
A fun interactive evening at Usk riding club talking about rider fitness, core stability and how our strengths and weaknesses can affect our horse. Thanks for inviting me and for making me feel...
May 28, 2016 12:39 pm
Published by Sarah Price
Interesting article from the Saddle Research Trust (SRT) on saddle slip, rider straightness and equine lameness. I am often asked if the saddle is to blame for the back pain found and the...
May 28, 2016 11:59 am
Published by Sarah Price
We are all aware we should have regular saddle checks and the amount we consider normal to spend on saddles seems to get bigger and bigger but we rarely extend that growing budget...
May 28, 2016 11:53 am
Published by Sarah Price
We all know that our horses pick up on our worries and that confidence as a rider gives your horses confidence. Research shows an increase in a human’s heart rate affects the heart...
May 12, 2016 3:22 pm
Published by Sarah Price
For years I have been finding discomfort in the girth area which I believed to be due to elastic on girths. It’s now been proven! “Girth pressure measurements reveal high peak pressures that can...